Analysis of Cu and Pb Contamination of Soil and Earth Worm Casts in Kwande Metropolis, Benue Sate-Nigeria

Abstract Soil and Earthworm casts from waste dumpsite around mechanic village in Kwande Local Government were collected and analyzed for Copper (Cu) and Lead (Pb) using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The analysis of soil and cast sample around mechanic village gave the concentration (mg/Kg) of copper as 5.21, 5.20, 5.10,5.02, 4.18 and 5.20, 5.19, 4.99, 4.81, 4.13 respectively. Similarly, the analysis of Lead in soil and cast sample around an active dump site gave the concentration (mg/Kg) as 0.21, 0.15, 0.09, 0.05, 0.03 and 0.20, 0.14, 0.07, 0.04, 0.02 respectively. It was observed that, soil samples collected further away from the site had low concentration of the metal in both soil and cast with the soil having a relatively higher concentration than that of the cast. The overall results showed that earthworm cast can be used as bioindicators for copper and lead pollution.

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Updated: June 25, 2023 — 7:48 am